It's hard not to be constantly amazed by how easy backend web programming becomes when using the Google App Engine. The same is true, and even more so, for the Channel API.
This project is the first project in which I tried to implement the Channel API. At first, the whole "letting go and let Google do everything for you" had me a little bit on edge. Even right when starting, the api requires you to refer to a non-existent location:
<script type="text/css" type="/_ah/channel/jsapi"></script>
But you should just let GAE worry about that. It links it to a real .js file when running on both localhost (via the and when online.
If I were a more experienced App Engine user, I guess the '_ah' should have calmed me down. It seems that's where all the "magic pages" are hosted.
If, like me, you find it hard to believe something you can't see, you can view the code it's linking to at
Now let's get started:
1. Main page request
When the page (this example only includes one page) is requested, I want to create a channel using the api. a channel is a persistent connection between a client and the server. The use is practically similar to web sockets although the technology is very different.
For each client I'm creating a random UUID as a client id, and the channel name is based on that uuid.
To create several boards or "rooms" (i.e chat-rooms), the channel name will be comprised of the client id and a room id.
So every client has his own channel. The client side javascript now has to connect to this channel, but even before that - I want to save this channel on the server, so I could send messages through it when I need (as "comets"). To do this, each room gets a memcache entry. The memcache only saves strings, so, like in GAE Blog: Pushing Update with the Channel API I'm going to save the client list as a stringified json
If I were a more experienced App Engine user, I guess the '_ah' should have calmed me down. It seems that's where all the "magic pages" are hosted.
If, like me, you find it hard to believe something you can't see, you can view the code it's linking to at
Now let's get started:
1. Main page request
When the page (this example only includes one page) is requested, I want to create a channel using the api. a channel is a persistent connection between a client and the server. The use is practically similar to web sockets although the technology is very different.
For each client I'm creating a random UUID as a client id, and the channel name is based on that uuid.
To create several boards or "rooms" (i.e chat-rooms), the channel name will be comprised of the client id and a room id.
channel_name = boardId + '/' + clientId token = channel.create_channel(channel_name)
So every client has his own channel. The client side javascript now has to connect to this channel, but even before that - I want to save this channel on the server, so I could send messages through it when I need (as "comets"). To do this, each room gets a memcache entry. The memcache only saves strings, so, like in GAE Blog: Pushing Update with the Channel API I'm going to save the client list as a stringified json
#load saved channels from the memcache channels = json.loads(memcache.get(boardId) or '{}') # add this channel, save a timestamp of when it was created channels[clientId] = str( # update the memcache - stringify to json again and save. memcache.set(boardId, json.dumps(channels))
I'm going to send the client the HTML page as a response, and I'll be using jinja to pass some arguments on to the page. To connect to the channel, the client will need the token we created, and I'm also going to pass the client id argument.
template_values = {'token': token, 'clientId': clientId, } template = jinja_environment.get_template('main.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
2. Connect through the javascript client. We're going to be good script kiddies and do exactly what Google suggested. This code is copied directly from the api tutorial.
function openConnection() { channel = new goog.appengine.Channel('{{ token }}'); socket =; socket.onopen = onOpened; socket.onmessage = onMessage; } onMessage = function (m) { message = JSON.parse(; if (message.type == "NOTE_ADDED") { addNote(message.note) } } sendMessage = function (path, data) { data['userId'] = "{{ userId }}"; $.post(path, data); }; onOpened = function () { connected = true; };
the openConnection function can be called on load. This function uses a Channel API function that opens a Comet connection to the python server.
<body onload="openConnection();">
and we're connected!
3. Broadcast changes to the board to all clients
we need a new handler to handle post in the python server.
class AddNote(webapp2.RequestHandler): def post(self, boardId): note = self.request.get('note') # message to broadcast to everyone - note added message = {'type' : 'NOTE_ADDED', 'note' : note} # stringify the message so it can be sent over the channel messagejson = json.dumps(message) # get connected channels channels = json.loads(memcache.get(boardId) or '{}') for clientId in channels: # for each channel, sent the message channel.send_message(boardId+'/'+clientId, messagejson) #... application = webapp2.WSGIApplication( [('/(\w+)/', MainPage), ('/(\w+)/addnote', AddNote)]Now, the JavaScript client will handle the message received event:
onMessage = function (m) { message = JSON.parse(; if (message.type == "NOTE_ADDED") { addNote(message.note) } }5. Send
For the javascript client to add a message it just needs to run
sendMessage("addnote", { note: document.getElementById("notecontent").value });
And that's it!
When a client sends an addnote message to the server(Step 5), the server broadcasts it as a NOTE_ADDED message to all the clients throught the Channel API (Step 4). Quick, simple, real-time connection!
Thank you Google.
Thank you Google.
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